Horus Heresy

Unboxing: The Horus Heresy – Betrayal at Calth Miniature Game

Welcome to my unboxing and review of the latest Games Workshop tabletop game product, the Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth Miniature Game set. This box of goodies is both a gripping board game as well as the first set of Horus Heresy plastic miniatures – which makes this a great tool to enter the 30k arena as well. In this review I’ll be showcasing the contents, especially the sprues as they are the focus point for me personally and will comment little on the game itself. Come join the sweet heresy after the jump.


Unboxing: Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor’s Children

Welcome to the unboxing of the second kit on the Horus Heresy Character Series from Forgeworld in the Workshop. This week I’m tackling Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor’s Children, which is arguably the most complex kit I have ever attempted to assemble and paint in my hobby career. In this post you will find detail photos of the pieces out of the box (this time with Foldio assistance!), post-cleanup comments, a few pointers on how to assemble the figure and lastly a fully assembled and tacked figure at the end with closing words. If you’re interested, do come in and be illuminated by the Phoenician!


Review: Word Bearers Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought

Welcome to this week’s review. Today I’m taking a look at my very first Forgeworld model from the Horus Heresy character series, the Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought from the Word Bearers Space Marine Legion. I had my doubts about the logistics implications for shopping with Forgeworld due to the customs problems in Turkey but I took a leap of faith. Now I invite you to make a leap to the rest of the review to see what I think of the piece!
