Daemon Prince

WIP Update: 9/9/2015

It’s been a few weeks now at the Workshop without activity reports so let me get back to it with a mass of projects at hand. As I mentioned before I’m trying to get as many models painted as possible (given time) before the baby and for that I have made some progress with the existing batch as well asĀ delve into some others. Hop in and see what I’ve been up to.


WIP Update: Week 4 of March 2015 and Happy Birthday to RW!

Greetings! After a quick flight to Malaysia for business and a week filled with work I got myself to having some quality time both in the hobby department and in the company of friends. I also received the large package I ordered from OversoulĀ related to their recent business changes to add to my mountain of kits… what a backlog this will create! Hop in to see what I’ve been up to in my absence after the jump.
