
Unboxing: Chaos in the Old World Board Game

Hello and welcome to my unboxing/review of Fantasy Flight Games’ Chaos in the Old World board game. While the game itself is not brand new I thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look at it considering I’m a huge fan of the Chaos gods! So without further ado here’s what’s interesting about the game.


Still Alive!

There’s been a long silence in this place, much longer than I liked in fact. Between work, extraordinary events and family tragedies I just couldn’t find the time to spend on the hobby – but it seems things are turning for the better. So in the little time I could scrape beginning this week I’ve put together a new model, readied for primer. Hop in to see what I’ve been up to.


WIP Update: Week 4 of March 2015 and Happy Birthday to RW!

Greetings! After a quick flight to Malaysia for business and a week filled with work I got myself to having some quality time both in the hobby department and in the company of friends. I also received the large package I ordered from Oversoul related to their recent business changes to add to my mountain of kits… what a backlog this will create! Hop in to see what I’ve been up to in my absence after the jump.


WIP Update: Week 2 of March 2015

All right! Here’s the first week of me attempting a new format with the WIP posts. When I checked back with the previous entries I saw that the pattern was getting really stale especially with additional projects popping up. Besides, I’m getting tired of setting up titles like “WIP: xxxx #1”, so I’ll try to summarize progress on the minis I’m focusing on the most (since I’m a pretty hobby butterfly and can’t keep my focus on a project for too long it seems) every week. This week I’ve also added a list that shows the entire WIP line here at once, so that could become a checklist for me. Hop in and see what fruits the past few weekends (especially the last one) bore after the jump.


Back to Painting!

We begin this week with a short update this time as I’m preparing the meatier content for Wednesday. This weekend proved to be a valuable opportunity to get a lot of hobby work done and got me really excited due to the fact that I found ample time to paint some miniatures! I know, I’m quite shocked myself.

As you can see from the highlight photo I’m working on the Nurglings and am making substantial progress towards finishing the skin tones. I also branched out to try out other techniques until I can get myself a proper wet palette. Colour of the Gods has an excellent tutorial on how to use thin glazes in succession to build flawless color transitions on your models (which I used this time to some effect) so I highly recommend you check them out. Here’s a few other shots of the little rascals.

First model painted, satisfactory results!

First model painted, satisfactory results!

Here's a Turkish coin for size comparison. The coin is around 20mm in diameter. Yeah...

Here’s a Turkish coin for size comparison. The coin is around 20mm in diameter. Yeah…

In other news Ragıp Oy from FigurinIstanbul has honored me by nominating me to display 5 of my models over 5 days on Facebook as part of an “ice bucket challenge of miniatures”. Today I’ve posted the first batch for the challenge and nominated MaGie Miniatures to show her beautifully rendered minis. Unfortunately I was waylaid by the fact that my Foldio did not work in the weekend. So, past photos of the models this time and we’ll see if I can get the photo booth to work again for later models.

Lastly, I’ve decided to implement the widely accepted system of Monday miniature showcase and Wednesday WIP posts on this corner, let’s see if I can get a reasonable flow going for me. For extremely industrious weeks I may include Friday as well, but I think this routine will keep me busy enough. That said, I’ve collected a lot of WIP content for this Wednesday, thanks to the marginally clearer weather we had last week, so be sure to stay tuned for the next post. Especially if you like Space Hulk and Necrons!