Month: October 2014

Hobby Extravaganza

My hobby adventure took a drastic turn with some decisions I made in the couple of days since the last post. Since we’re heading into bad weather in Turkey (at last! Yes, I like winter) I’m planning on getting primer on as many projects as possible before we hit the times when spray priming will be out of the question. Thus I have once again dug into the boxes that need some attention. I even completed a kit within a day! Find out my progress on the hobby front after the jump.


Must Obliterate!

This weekend went way too fast and with little updates on the hobby front, but I did get to do work on some of the outstanding kits. What I’m looking forward to is the 1.5 day off at work due to the Republic Day of this glorious nation! Aside from the usual taking part in the parades I’m planning to make use of this time to get painting to clear off some kits from the table. Check out what I’ve been up to over the weekend after the jump.


WIP: All in One

Another difficult beginning to the week, another late post. I feel like I’ve had a sense of euphoria after publishing the Dreadknight post, as if completing the model would somehow earn me an “achievement unlock”! It’s good to have a set of goals to follow at such a point; I found myself going back to what’s waiting for me on the desk and decided to work on them a little to get back in the flow. This did help me get back to unfinished business and remedy the line of bare plastic that was judging me from the corner of the display cabinet. Find out what I’ve been up to the past few days after the jump.


Unboxing: Space Hulk Board Game

Welcome to the first review on Roemer’s Workshop! Today I’m breaking the trend of being outdated (GW is really giving me a hard time being up-to-date!) and have come up with a relatively new release to present: the Space Hulk miniature board game. Hop in to take a look at what’s inside after the jump.


Showcase: Grey Knights Nemesis Dreadknight

Wow, what an adventure this kit was. I got to test myself in lots and lots of new techniques (for me that is) and learned quite a bit from my mistakes. This is also the first model I commissioned (so to speak) so that taught me a few things too. Check out the last WIP session and a few 8 sided shots after the jump.
