Imperial Guard

WIP Update: 9/9/2015

It’s been a few weeks now at the Workshop without activity reports so let me get back to it with a mass of projects at hand. As I mentioned before I’m trying to get as many models painted as possible (given time) before the baby and for that I have made some progress with the existing batch as well as delve into some others. Hop in and see what I’ve been up to.


Travelling in the Warp

It sure has been some time since this spot got an update on the hobby front. I’m finding it increasingly difficult to spare time for the miniatures at hand and it’s bugging me like hell. However not all is lost for I have spent some time on assembling yet another kit in preparation for my “overhaul” – and this is much needed as I have been feeling disoriented for quite a bit now. At my day job I get all kinds of excited about what kind of blends I will use on my miniature surfaces and what techniques I’ll try in painting but by the time I get back home I get the feeling of exhaustion and lose the will to paint! Quite a pity considering that I have put out a whopping two showcase minis and created an immense backlog of projects to tackle.

But enough of the usual rant, here’s a little Shadowsword (!) I have put together in tack in preparation for primer much later.

Now that shows the might of the Imperium.

Now that shows the might of the Imperium.

So why the title you may ask… I’m using my second week of vacation the coming week and the Workshop will be closed once again! So until next time, be well and who knows – there may be a surprise in the next post!

WIP Update: Week 4 of March 2015 and Happy Birthday to RW!

Greetings! After a quick flight to Malaysia for business and a week filled with work I got myself to having some quality time both in the hobby department and in the company of friends. I also received the large package I ordered from Oversoul related to their recent business changes to add to my mountain of kits… what a backlog this will create! Hop in to see what I’ve been up to in my absence after the jump.


Militarum Tempestus

Recently Games Workshop released a new series of models for the Imperial Guard army with the banner Militarum Tempestus. Along with the non-static Helbrute and the poster boy Imperial Knight, GW seems to be on a new model spree for an array of armies. Find out my thoughts on these models and a bit of reminiscence after the jump. (more…)