Random Encounter!

WIP Update: 9/9/2015

It’s been a few weeks now at the Workshop without activity reports so let me get back to it with a mass of projects at hand. As I mentioned before I’m trying to get as many models painted as possible (given time) before the baby and for that I have made some progress with the existing batch as well as delve into some others. Hop in and see what I’ve been up to.


WIP Update – 22.07.2015

Another short update today as I’ve been busy preparing for next week’s business trip to the States. I’ve been naughty again and as the cover photo suggests I’m working on my Khorne Bloodthirster. This is one of the models that show you the how far the plastic injection technology has improved compared to the earlier models by GW as the detail on the model is very crisp with less and less mould lines. Once I fix the join lines with some Green Stuff I’ll prime it and get to painting straight away as I foresee this to be my last large project before the inevitable change in schedules in November.

I also assembled a Necron Wraith, for fun. Might gift it at a later point.

Gotta love the Canoptek models!

Gotta love the Canoptek models!

In other news I decided that I hate the skin work on the Random Encounter mini so I decided to start anew with a base layer of Cadian Fleshtone. Hopefully I’ll be able to work with thinner glazes to get where I want to go and won’t have to strip the entire thing.

That’s all for now folks, hopefully I’ll have more colors in the next update the week after.

WIP Update: Week 4 of March 2015 and Happy Birthday to RW!

Greetings! After a quick flight to Malaysia for business and a week filled with work I got myself to having some quality time both in the hobby department and in the company of friends. I also received the large package I ordered from Oversoul related to their recent business changes to add to my mountain of kits… what a backlog this will create! Hop in to see what I’ve been up to in my absence after the jump.


WIP Update: Week 2 of March 2015

All right! Here’s the first week of me attempting a new format with the WIP posts. When I checked back with the previous entries I saw that the pattern was getting really stale especially with additional projects popping up. Besides, I’m getting tired of setting up titles like “WIP: xxxx #1”, so I’ll try to summarize progress on the minis I’m focusing on the most (since I’m a pretty hobby butterfly and can’t keep my focus on a project for too long it seems) every week. This week I’ve also added a list that shows the entire WIP line here at once, so that could become a checklist for me. Hop in and see what fruits the past few weekends (especially the last one) bore after the jump.


Random Encounter Progress and The Call of the Waaagh!

This past weekend turned out to be quite an opportunity to work on some long overdue stuff and dabble in even more new kits. As can be seen from the featured image I’m trying to get the skin tones done on the dwarf and I think I’m going in the correct direction. I doubt I’ll make it to the deadline of this Friday with still the many many folds of cloth and the NMM weapon remaining but I’ll try to do my best. Not to mention there’s a base that needs my attention as well! Find out what I’ve put together after the jump.
